Yu Zhang | College of physics and Optoelectronic Engineering

Date:2020-05-12  Hits:531

Prof. Yu Zhang

Personal Information

Title:           Prof.

Family Name:    Zhang

Given Name:     Yu

Address:College of physics and Optoelectronic Engineering, Harbin Engineering University, 150001No.145 Nantong Street, Harbin, Heilongjiang Province, P. R. China

Email:          zhangy0673@163.com

Research Interests

Fiber optical trapping; Microstructured fiber device; Fiber-based SPR sensors

Photonic Materials Group  http://pmg.hrbeu.edu.cn
Harbin Engineering University  OSA/SPIE Student Chapter  osa@hrbeu.edu.cn
Management and Maintenance:Photonic Materials Group  Technical Support:Informationization Office