Abstract Title
Author One1, Author two1, Author three2, …
1Affiliation one, 2Affiliation two, …
ContactAuthor@someplace.ext; Speaker@somplace.ext
(Instructions: List all authors, underline speaker’s name, and identify affiliations with superscripts. List email address(es) for contact author and/or speaker.)
Use this template. Please write your abstract in English and submit it as a Word document. The abstract should be no longer than one page (including one figure), and should fully describe the contents of your planned oral presentation.
Reference to other articles and/or books/patents should be listed in your bibliography at the end of the document. Complete bibliographic information must be listed for all cited references.
Including your photo, academic title, research experience and academic interests.
The talk for each lecturer is about 10-12 minutes for presentation, questions will be collected online.
Submission deadline is 10 May.
Lighting the Blue Forum | International Day of Light
Download the original fileAbstract_Template_LtB_sci.docx