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Light: Science & Applications (hereinafter referred to as LSA) is a leading optics journal, co-published by Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Nature Publishing Group (now known as Springer Nature).

LSA seeks to promote research from all aspects of optics and photonics, including basic, applied and engineering research and applications. This open access journal primarily publishes new research results in cutting-edge and emerging topics in optics and photonics, as well as covering traditional topics in optical engineering. The article types broadly range from Original articles, Letters, Reviews, Perspectives and Historical Overviews to News & Views that are of high quality, high interest and far-reaching consequence.

According to Journal Citation Reports, the latest impact factor of LSA is 14, ranking No.2 among all optics journals in the world.

Photonic Materials Group
Harbin Engineering University  OSA/SPIE Student Chapter
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