Prof. Fei Ding is a tenured full professor in Leibniz University Hannover (a member of TU-9), Germany. He is a W3 chair in Nanophysics, with the research direction in semiconductor materials and quantum optical devices. He obtained the bachelor degree in 2003 from Hefei University of Technology, and the PhD degree in 2009 from the joint program between Chinese Academy of Sciences and Max Planck Society Germany. He joined IBM Zurich Laboratory in 2010 and worked in the exploratory photonics group. Since 2012, he worked in Leibniz Institute for Solid and Materials Research Dresden as a group leader, and then became the deputy head of institute. In 2016, Dr. Ding obtained the full professorship from Leibniz University Hannover. He served as a referee for European Research Council, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Strategic Priority Program), Federal Ministry of Education and Science Germany, Alexander von Humboldt foundation, etc. He received a number of awards so far, which include Marie Curie fellowship, IBM patent achievement award, IFW excellence award, and the prestigious ERC grant. Several of his group members have received professorships (including the 1000 young talent program). Currently he is also the Chairman for Gesellschaft Chinesischer Physiker in Deutschland.
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