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Tao Li | Nanjing University

Date:2020-05-08  Hits:810

Tao LI, Professor in Nanjing University (NJU), received his PhD degree at NJU in 2005, joined College of Engineering and Applied Sciences in 2008, and was promoted to full professor in 2013. He worked as a visiting scholar in Nanyang Technology University, Singapore, in 2012, and Hong Kong Baptist University under the support of “K.C. Wong Education Foundation” scholarship in 2013. He won "Dengfeng Talent Program B" from NJU (2012), "National Funds for Outstanding Young Scientists" (2013), and "Young and middle-aged leading scientists" from MOST (2018). His research includes plasmonics, metamaterials, nanophotonics. Till now, he has published >90 SCI papers (including Nature Subs., PRL, LSA, Nano Lett., etc.) with a recent H index of 32, presented >50 invited talks in international conferences and seminars. He is currently working as the Topical Editor of Chinese Optical Letters, Executive Board Member of Science Bulletin, and Editorial Committee of Frontier of Optoelectronics.

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